Ever felt hooked on something? You could say that the one thing I am hooked on right now is online dating. So here it is - another brand new episode dealing with this exciting topic. I tell you ...
I can’t believe it — we have truly reached episode 100 of Sweet But Salty! (It’s so crazy to me that I named this episode one hundred to make myself believe it haha) Feel free to listen to this ...
*ka ching* This episode is all about the right money mindset (and my random fatigue). Find out what they don’t teach us in school and why ;)
Okay, in this short little episode, I definitely sound a little bit winy. And I’m sorry for this mini-rant that I’m on here. But I’m just sharing my thoughts and feelings honestly and open-heart...
Wow, time flies! I can't believe that another year doing my podcast has already gone by. In this fresh party-episode, I look back and reflect on the things I've learned since starting the record...
Can you fill in the blanks while listening to this episode?
Remember your ___.
Treat everything as a ___________________.
Have an _________ mindset.
Stay __________. ...
In this somewhat philosophical episode, I’m covering why you should be: doing things before you’re ready, trusting and living by your intuition, doing the hard things your future self would be p...
Happy new year! To start the new year fresh and fancy, I talk about one of my favorite topics and the secret to my and potentially also your personal success: journaling. I break down my journal...
In this last episode of 2022, I reveal the three ways to increase self love, self confidence and self worth :) So we can all start the new year aligned and self-aware. Tune in and I’ll catch you...
The answer is one simple word, that is at the heart of this brand new episode. Tune in to find out why it’s so hard for you and me to take our own advice and reach our goals and which 3 things c...