Sweet But Salty

Sweet But Salty

181. i’m done

181. i’m done

In this new episode, I salt about many things. I invite you to come along this rant where I share my deepest insights with you and tell you about what I am done with ;)

180. i did something crazy

Tune in to find out what it was (hint: It may or may not have to do with love and dating)! I also share deep insights on beliefs, faith and acting from a place of love :)

179. inspiration — interview #3 with my friend Ricardo

It was about time for a new interview and when my dear friend and avid SBS-listener Ricardo offered to come on my podcast for a chat, I was more than happy to welcome him! Join us for an hour as we talk about our 10 year design school anniversary, working as designers and evolving personally as well as inspiration we draw from music. Each of us talks about 3 different music albums that really speak to us. I hope you enjoy this little ride through the depths of pop and design culture :)

178. therapy

Another deep dive is ahead! Let’s take a look at the world of emotions and emotional regulations as I also share what I’ve learned in therapy and realized lately.

177. live outside the box

Ready to dive deep once more? Let’s explore our opportunities and free ourselves from all limitations. Let’s create a life according to our own standards. Let’s live outside the box we have put ourselves into.

176. follow your passion

In this brand new jam-packed episode, I am *literally* bombarding you with info, things I’ve observed and my personal views on life. Dive in as I jump from one exciting topic to the next to find out about the secret trick that lets your depression vanish magically (or does it?), why I’ve been so tired lately, what I like about my job and much more!

175. striking the right balance

Yes, I’m back (despite my close to debilitating exhaustion). In this episode, I’m diving deep on striking the right balance between listening to your body and going for your big goals. I tell you about my personal struggles atm and how I motivate myself. You should definitely tune in and let me know what you think about my plans (which I talk about at the end of this episode ;) on my insta @worldofvila — see you there :)

174. not feeling it

The title says it all — I’m not feeling it. So I thought, I’d talk about just that: chronic fatigue, self-acceptance, feeling guilty when not being productive, phases while creating and being flexible while figuring things out. I hope you enjoy this one :)

173. free

In this episode, I talk about the importance of personal freedom from the opinion of others and for yourself and your art. Make sure to tune in :)

172. let’s talk love again (again)

Wow. I’m back with a new episode about our most *beloved* topic. Tune in to find out about my new realizations and thoughts on love and relationships and see how I’ve changed in the past 2 years as I reflect on my thoughts back in those days. Enjoy!