Sweet But Salty’s season 3 is officially here! To kick it off, I’m focusing on a short reintroduction of my podcast (and myself) and on the topic of (mental) health. Because what is more importa...
Welcome to the official season finale of season 2 of Sweet But Salty! In this episode, I talk about the importance of having fun, reconnecting with nature and enjoying life to the fullest. I rea...
Today’s episode is a reminder to do what you want and what your heart desires and not give a sh*t about what other people may think. Send me ideas and topic requests on insta: @worldofvila :)
This episode is a continuation of last week's topic of love. While I talked about loving people last time, I tell you about doing the things you love this time around. Tune in to find out what t...
I’m bringing back one of our favorite topics in this *lovely* new episode. I got really worked up talking about relationships, values in dating and choosing love as a concept. If you want to kno...
Does it really matter what other people think about you? In this episode, we dive into this question and get some people to actually give me feedback on what they think about me. (All of this wa...
In this episode, I tell you about my top three tips for financial freedom. Also tune in to find out the special reason I'm so tired today (and almost didn't record this episode). Have fun :)
To meticulously plan everything or to let things unfold the way they ought to? We’re touching on this pseudo-philosophical question in this fresh new episode. (Probably without a definitive answ...
Your friendly reminder to focus on real life instead of the online world :)
Some people enjoy your life hacks while others don’t see their game-changing value until it’s way too late. But it’s safe to say that your true worth does not depend on anyone but yourself. In t...